Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My boring life when studying at College

Well I barely remember that my last blog post is on year 2007... anyway it's been a very long time since i finish my Diploma. I've been through a lot lately, after when i finish my Level 1 in automotive course i found out that the world are quite not what I expected, well what I'm trying to say is we got to make the 1st step if we really wanna achieve something.

Let's start from my 1st day I staying alone at my rental room, a day before my class start. At that time I was thinking " this is my home for now, a home to a place that I not familiar with " for that time i was a bit worried, cause the place that I stay is pretty far away from my college plus I didn't have any transport of my own for that time. The only way I get to my college is by Bus, but you know... as usual everybody feels the same. At that time i start to become more independent, luckily i had a house mate their name is Fizal and Nazri they taught me which bus to take. But after knowing which bus take still make me thinking where do I have to press the buzzer and stop... To tell the truth I never take any bus before alone when in home town at Kuantan cos I use to be fetch by my family, friends, and drive alone. So I only start to take bus when studying at Puchong haha... it's actually quite wired sitting next to a stranger but the most interesting part is well you know like every guys instinct when a pretty girl walk to the bus and sit next to you if you're lucky or just walk through your seat hehe... hmm then... BUT that's a different story haha... We are getting out of the topic...??

Anyhow I can consider a lucky guy why lucky?? Cos Thanks to my parents I have the chance to study my own courses. And I have some of my friend that they dun even get to choose their own courses or some even had poor family back ground so needed to start work after SPM and can't even go for further studies..

Then when start my 1st day in college I thought to my self, this is my second chance to pay attention in my studies.. If I still fail this like what I did in the Secondary school times then I'm really a no body just like another DUMB ass wondering around and not making his life better... Well luckily every things when smoothly in my studies but that time my only problem is finding another place to rent cos the place that I'm staying is too far from my college. That time I feel like a refugee bagging and searching for a place to stay.. but Thanks to my brother's wife brother which is my brother's "Brother in law" get what I mean... Ok back to the story had a room and that place which also near my college.. immediately I move out and really thanks to Fizal and Nazri which is my room mate that been so kind and friendly for that time.. So I said thanks to them and took off to my hmm.... brother's wife brother which is my brother's "Brother in law" place..

So that time I was still in mid-term of Automotive Level 1 course then my college had a new format for the Diploma courses heard rumours that gonna rise the fees, then for us to stay in the old format we need enroll to take the Diploma earlier cos if follow the procedure we need to finish Automotive Level 2 1st only can take that course due to the topics that given in the Diploma courses are higher then Level 1 and 2 but... What the heck just take it only lah~~~ Followed my class mate haha like what they use to said " I Jump You Jump " then we all continue studies Level 1 and Diploma together... that time I was thinking what I got my self into cos the Diploma topics are lot complicated.. Again I really-really need to focus and will try my best to do better, well what do you know.... I never expected that I PASS... from 58 students that take the Diploma with me only 2 included me is 3 out of 58 get the certificate!!! and I was so surprise.. all the hard work had pay off.

After that I have my own car to go to my college haha ya and those bus ride a long gone for that time... then I continue study Level 2 still that time we need to do our project car which is a MINI and Convert the engine to Proton 1.6 SOHC plus the lecturer want us to fit in on the rear!! not the front and for those sad and sweet moment days passing we already come to Level 3 there's not much happen when in Level 3 though cos maybe all of us are getting mature planning what to do after graduate, and comes to Supervisory courses..... all of those times I already spend my time studying at Puchong for 2 and a half years but It feels like just a blink of an eye haha... well gonna Miss those days when in college a lot... then finally we all graduated.. I'm glad that I didn't waste a cent my father spend for me in studies cos I had finished ALL my Automotive Courses, Supervisory and Diploma but those money for hanging out with friends not count lah haha (^_^) .. Then that's when I realize don't give up 1st when you are still in the way to succeed all you need is patients and confidence.. Now I plan to start work to gain some experience and use those earnings money to to do some small business most probably sell second hand cars with my Father or brother cos he also working the same business and if have the time most probably will go for further studies overseas to pursuit my Degree... well everone knows Car racing is my passion but sometimes you have to give up the thing you want the most to succeed... still when I get rich I can do Racing anytime... haha no worries..

And Thanks for reading my blog...

Jenson Wong